Family Planning for Docs - Thriving or Surviving?

Thriving or Surviving with Abby Kapsack

Family Planning for Docs Team Season 2 Episode 1

“I was going to go to medical school, but I wasn’t going to let that dictate how I made other life choices. Starting a family was always something that was very important for me. The best thing you can give yourself is a life you will have no regrets about.” - Abby Kapsack

In this episode, we chat with Abby Kapsack, a medical student at the University of Toronto. We learn about her journey with family planning and family building during medical school. Join us as we delve into the joys of balancing a family and career, the pros and cons of taking time off, and the need for open conversations about family planning.

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Abby Kapsack

Abby Kapsack is a fourth-year medical student at the University of Toronto. Prior to medical school, she earned an HBSc in Biomedical Science from York University. Abby is deeply committed to learner wellness, medical education, and advocacy work. She actively participating in initiatives that support these areas and is one of the founding members of Family Planning For Docs. Abby is excited to share her journey with you all and would be thrilled to connect with you!